Visual Merchandising: Improved control & ease of use with Drag & Drop

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Working with our merchandising solution has never been easier! Merchants can now simply drag and drop the items they want to pin to specific grid locations. This smooth UX ensures your desired items can be pinned within seconds. . 

Pinning products to the top of certain feeds is a useful tool when it comes to marketing and promotion. Now, Findify has made this visual merchandising process even easier, by implementing a new, easy to use drag & drop functionality.

Merchants can find this new and improved functionality in the Findify dashboard by navigating to either Smart Collections or Search, and then to Pinning. 

Here, merchants can select the products and collections they want to pin, ensuring that their latest sale, newest line, or seasonal offer is always being shown to customers on their site. 

This function allows for increased visibility of whatever is pinned, without sacrificing the power of your personalization software – the Findify personalized search results appearing below the pinned product still uses advanced AI and machine-learning algorithms to reorder your products based on the individual customer.

Now, Findify developers have made this process even easier, thanks to a visual merchandising overall that has seen the addition of a new drag & drop feature. 

With Findify, merchandising has never been easier 

Enabling as much merchant control as possible has always been an important part of the Findify suite. 

Our goal is to maximize your conversion while providing both control & ease of use. Visual merchandising can be applied to single products, or several at once in bulk.

Findify’s AI software is more than capable of running unimpeded in the background for years and years, making you more money on every single visitor to your store. But should you ever want to influence this software, to achieve your own strategic goals, then you can do so quickly and easily via Findify’s robust merchandising suite. 

For more details on Findify’s merchandising suite, go here and here

Ensuring smoother merchant experiences, without sacrificing control

Improving Findify’s visual merchandising capabilities is an effort to make life a little easier for merchants, explained Findify CCO, Joakim Amadeus Olsson. 

“This is a relatively small but very powerful improvement which adds functionality and enables merchants to pin their chosen items in the easiest way possible, while still retaining full control,” he explained. 

“This is exactly the kind of tweak we love to make at Findify. We are always looking for ways to make our clients’ lives easier. We know they lead busy lives, and so if there’s any change we can make that will save them valuable time, it’s a change we will make.” 

Mr Olsson went on to hail Findify’s recent focus on improving their merchandising suite, pointing to the latest weighted merchandising feature release. 

“This release, improving the preview feature and adding drag & drop functionality, goes hand-in-hand with the release of our weighted merchandising capability – a new and hugely powerful feature. When taken together, these releases really show the importance we are placing on merchandising as a key factor in ecommerce,” he said. 

“While we have seen how powerful automatization can be, as illustrated by the jumps in revenue merchants experience after integrating with our personalization algorithm, we also believe merchants should be able to take full control of their products and feeds if they want or need to. We believe that creating a symbiotic relationship between automatization and merchandising is an essential factor when it comes to ecommerce success.”

All recent updates to merchandising functionalities are now live within the Findify dashboard, with no merchant action required to activate them. 

For more information on Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool, which includes personalization software and solutions such as Personalized Search, Smart Collections, and Recommendations, book a demo here

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