Ease of Integration: Findify Launches Fully Native Shopify App

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Shopify merchants can now seamlessly integrate Findify solutions via Shopify Liquid, enhancing user experience with easier-than-ever integration and customization, as well as improved compatibility with other Shopify tools.   

Search and merchandising solutions play a crucial role in the ecommerce landscape, yet many existing setups are cumbersome to configure and modify. They often lack compatibility with other technologies and impose restrictions on customizations, hindering the seamless optimization of online storefronts.  

With these issues in mind, Findify embarked on a mission to address these challenges, culminating in the release of its new native Shopify app, offering Shopify merchants increased ease and flexibility. 

A Seamless Experience for Shopify Merchants 

Following tireless efforts to completely rebuild each and every Findify component within Liquid, Findify’s brand new integration method is now live.  

Offering a native Shopify integration for the first time since its inception in 2014, implementing Findify solutions has never been easier for ecommerce merchants working with the Shopify platform. Shopify merchants, and their agencies, can now seamlessly integrate with Findify and carry out customizations with increased ease. 

Findify’s Head of Product, Joakim Amadeus Olsson, highlights the significance of this development from a merchant’s perspective. 

“For us, MJS has been a great way to render the front-end. The problem, we found, was that the majority of developers and merchants were more familiar with Liquid than they were with React,” he said.  

“We of course want to provide the framework that merchants are most used to, so that they can make changes and customizations as quickly and easily as possible. Since Shopify is a key focus for us, we’ve invested significantly to create a native integration in Liquid. It’s all about making it easier for merchants and their agencies to work with Findify to achieve their desired outcomes.” 

Enhanced Performance and User Experience 

Increased ease-of-use aside, Findify’s new Liquid integration also takes performance and user experience to the next level. Adding Findify directly into a merchant’s Shopify theme at the same level as their other components ensures the solution runs smoothly and delivers a better overall performance.  

According to Google Lighthouse, a trusted tool for measuring web page performance, Findify’s native Liquid integration outperformed the previous MJS integration, loading quicker and more efficiently. 

“From a merchant perspective, not only is the integration easier, the performance is better and the experience is improved – because Findify is now working directly with the Shopify theme,” explained Mr Olsson.   

“We always bake into any change a constant journey to optimize, ensuring that each enhancement contributes to a smoother ecommerce experience.” 

Empowering Merchants for Success 

With this latest improvement, Findify developers believe they have set a new standard in search, merchandising, and personalization for Shopify merchants.  

“To date, we haven’t seen any of our competitors doing a better job with this. It’s very cool. This was a goal we have had in mind for a long time now, and it is fantastic to see it come to fruition,” concluded Mr Olsson.  

“We believe this native integration via Liquid represents the future of Findify and Shopify, promising improved performance, enhanced user experience, and limitless possibilities for customizations.” 

While MJS will remain as an integration option for Shopify for the moment, Mr Olsson said he does envision this method being phased out for the platform in the future, in favour of the more powerful, easier to use, and easier to customize native integration.   

He said more native integrations for additional platforms were also being looked at.  

To learn more about Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool, which includes personalization software and solutions such as Personalized Search, Smart Collections, and Recommendations, book a demo here. 

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