Australian Maropost store Jono & Johno integrates full Findify suite

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One of Australia’s leading online suppliers of chainsaw equipment, power machinery, and spare parts, Jono & Johno prides itself on unbeatable product knowledge and top notch customer service. 

Established in 2008, the trusted merchant went from strength to strength, opening up a showroom, and a store, in addition to their popular online site. 

With thousands of different products now on offer, the merchant, which runs on the Maropost ecommerce platform, faced challenges in terms of how to best enable shoppers to find the specific items they were actively looking for, as well as discover their unknown desires. 

In their search for a fast and reliable ecommerce tool that could solve this problem, Jono & Johno discovered Findify. The top chainsaw spares retailer has now enlisted the leading site search and personalization software provider to help their customers find their preferred products quicker and easier, while also inspiring new explorations based on individual desires learned by Findify’s best-in-class personalization algorithm. 

Findify’s lightning-quick autocomplete function in operation on Jono & Johno.

What is Findify and what does it do?

Findify is a trusted ecommerce tool, used by industry leaders, which uses advanced AI and machine-learning algorithms to change the order in which each individual shopper sees each product – meaning each user has the most optimized personalized journey, without the need for any manual work on the part of the retailer. 

This reliable personalization software helps ecommerce merchants increase revenue, increase conversion, optimize speed, and improve UX for an optimized ecommerce purchase journey.

What is included in the full Findify suite? 

Customers using Jono & Johno’s online store, which is hosted on Maropost, will now be interacting with Findify technology when they search, browse collections, and view recommendations. 

The most popular Findify solution is Personalized Search. This enables online shoppers to find their preferred items quicker and easier. Search queries will have autocomplete options, while advanced spelling tolerance will ignore spelling mistakes and also provide instant results while typing. 

This swift and dependable solution ensures retailers are always displaying the most relevant products, by re-ordering them using an advanced AI-powered personalization algorithm. It also serves to nudge search behaviour through “inspirational search” – displaying trending searches and trending products, while both “smart filtering” and “sorting” functionalities enable shoppers to find their desired items faster. 

Jono & Johno’s custom filtering options within a Findify Smart Collection. 

Findify’s Smart Collections solution, meanwhile, includes personalized product ranking, dynamic filters, and the ability to create merchandising rules. 

Finally, the Recommendations solution identifies hot sellers, recently viewed items, and newest products. 

The full suite also includes advanced analytics, which enables merchants to better understand the behaviour of their shoppers by giving them access to extremely valuable, trustworthy, and actionable, insights.

Jono & Johno is “welcome evidence” of Findify’s global expansion

CEO of Findify, Philip Nobel, welcomed Jono & Johno to the Findify client family. 

“While the main chunk of our client base remains in North America and Europe, other regions have been rapidly growing of late. Jono & Johno, which is based in Australia (one of our fastest growing markets) is the latest proof of this very welcome expansion,” he said. 

“I am extremely happy they chose to depend on us as their search and personalization provider, and look forward to working with them long into the future.”

For more information on Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool, which includes personalization software and solutions such as Personalized Search, Smart Collections, and Recommendations, book a demo here. To read more about Findify and Maropost, click here

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