Australian Beauty Giant Cosmetic Capital integrates full Findify Site Search & Personalization suite on Neto ecommerce store

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Cosmetic Capital – Australia’s premium destination for affordable beauty – is a popular ecommerce site which runs on the Neto platform. 

Experts in finding the best cosmetics deals (and passing those savings on to the customer), the business does so by capitalizing on its unique relationships with manufacturers, distributors, partners and clearance houses. 

Over the years, Cosmetic Capital has been bestowed with literally thousands of five star reviews from genuine customers, all buying top brands like L’Oreal, Maybelline, Revlon and NYX at affordable prices. 

The latest step in the company’s journey lies in its recent integration of Findify’s site search and personalization software solutions. 

Findify’s full suite of Personalized Search, Recommendations, and Smart Collections is now live on Cosmetic Capital’s website, helping customers find their preferred items quicker and easier. 

Director of Cosmetic Capital, Jamie Michaels, said the results were evident right away. 

“Immediately Findify made the customer experience on site significantly better. The search functionality was faultless, which made the customer journey a more pleasant experience,” he said. 

“We also found a large uptake on the recommendations widgets, as these were personalised and actively changing according to stock levels. This alleviated an issue where Upsells/Cross-sells were showing out of stock products, causing customer angst.”

A Findify Recommendations widget in operation for Cosmetic Capital.

How does Site Search and Personalization software work? 

With Personalized Search, there are two aspects – search accuracy and personalization. 

Accuracy is about precision & recall – making the search as smart as possible so that it can return relevant results to the customer putting in the query. This includes an autocomplete, predicting what they will type as they’re typing, meaning fewer keystrokes for the user. 

Other aspects include Natural Language Processing – the search being able to tell the difference between products, like a table, a chair, or a sideboard, and attributes, like the colour red.

An effective search should also include spelling tolerance, ensuring customers get relevant results even if they make a typo, and a zero results workaround – ensuring relevant products come up even if the exact query searched for is not present. 

Findify’s autocomplete function, which is included in the Personalized Search solution in operation on Cosmetic Capital.

Personalization, then, is all about the AI algorithm which analyzes the behaviour of the customer and learns, in real time, what their preferences are – search results are ranked in order of preference. So, if the algorithm learns the shopper has a preference for items made out of oak, or has a preference for a certain style of furniture, this is what they will see more of. 

Findify’s Recommendations solution also draws on these learnings, but in order to increase upsell and cross-sell capabilities – using designated space to highlight products the shopper is most likely to buy. 

Smart Collections, meanwhile, takes all the same aspects as Personalized Search and applies them to collection pages to ensure products appearing within collections are ranked according to the customer’s preference, and are not simply a one-size-fits-all static list of products. 

Customizing the product experience

While Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool already looks great out-of-the-box, it is also possible to customize the solutions to match the merchant’s desired look, feel, and desired brand experience. 

While Cosmetic Capital chose to leverage many of the default Findify looks, the company most notably chose to customize the colour scheme, selecting their preferred shade of pink to ensure brand tonality was not only maintained across the store, but enhanced. 

Findify also created custom stickers for the merchant – highlighting discounted items with ‘Save Stickers’ as well as sale items with an ‘On Sale’ sticker. 

Also of note, Cosmetic Capital chose to include custom sorting options, allowing customers to sort results by both ‘Name’ and ‘SKU’ alongside the more standard options of price, popularity, and ‘What’s New’.

Filtering and Sorting options in use for Cosmetic Capital as part of Findify’s Smart Collections solution.

Findify delighted to welcome yet another fantastic Neto retailer

CEO of Findify, Philip Nobel, said he was extremely proud to have Cosmetic Capital on board, and that it was an honour to expand further into the Neto market.

“We are delighted to have them with us. It is a fantastic company with a real focus on passing savings down to the customer. It’s great to be in a position to help them continue to do that,” he said. 

“Cosmetic Capital is also the latest addition to our ever-expanding family of Neto clients. We’ve found there is a real need for our solutions in this area, and we’re very eager to talk to more merchants on this platform to discuss creating value for them also.”

For more information on Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool, which includes personalization software and solutions such as Personalized Search, Smart Collections, and Recommendations, book a demo here.

To read more about Findify and Neto, click here

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