Active Sync: Lightning fast product updates on any platform with Product Push API

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Findify’s new infrastructure ensures all product data remains constantly up-to-date. Any change made, including product information such as updates to prices & stock levels, as well as all metadata, custom fields etc., will rapidly be pushed live.

A major new infrastructure development, our newly released Active Sync (which is a big data ETL pipeline built on top of the Apache Pulsar streaming platform) is set to revolutionize the speed of ecommerce assortment synchronization for merchants. 

Active Sync ensures all product data is synchronized, and kept up-to-date, on an automatic basis. This includes changes to prices, products, metadata, and everything in between. 

Updates take place as soon as the data is pushed into Findify – with NO requirement for them to manually trigger a sync or wait for the scheduled pull. Changes will be realized live on site almost immediately, and queued when the changes made are large to ensure no updates are dropped. 

Our developers have built Active Sync in such a way that we only need to index the changes you make, when you make them. This allows for faster, smoother synchronization.

Active Sync, which is unique to Findify, has become the cornerstone of our brand new infrastructure – streamlining internal processes and paving the way for additional growth and innovation.

“This is all part of our quest to make merchant life as easy as possible and represents a fundamental change in the way we handle huge volumes of data,” revealed Findify CCO, Joakim Amadeus Olsson. 

“With Active Sync specifically, merchants can rest assured knowing that their product database – including prices and stock levels – is always up-to-date. Shoppers will never see outdated results, only the most accurate and current assortment data. This will be particularly crucial when it comes to busy sales periods.”

‘None of our direct competitors offers a smoother product sync’

Findify CEO, Philip Nobel, said he was delighted to get this feature over the line at the very start of what is to be a record year for Findify.

“Active Sync is an amazing new infrastructure – one which none of our direct competitors has, and which will create great merchant value. It’s an extremely modern setup that will enable innovations on top for years. It has been highly anticipated by merchants, and I’m very happy to now have met this need for them. At Findify, we think there is nothing more important than listening to the wants and needs of our clients,” he said. 

“This has been a major part of our product roadmap and our developers worked really hard to get this done. I’m incredibly proud of them and of what they’ve achieved. It was a big project, requiring an entire stack rebuild, but it is something that will benefit our clients greatly – which means it was absolutely worth it.”

Releasing the full benefits of Active Sync 

All Findify merchants have already been migrated from the previous infrastructure to the new Active Sync infrastructure. This means that every Findify merchant is now able to access it and is already benefiting from the update. Going forward, every single time a sync takes place on a merchant store, that sync will only update the data that has been changed. With no need for total reindexing, which means syncs run faster.

To experience the full benefits of Active Sync, Findify needs to receive the product data as it changes. This will directly sync the received data, eliminating the delays that come from bulk updates in manual or scheduled syncs. 

This ability can be set up in one of two ways. Merchants with developer capacity can connect their store to Findify’s Product Push API while those without developer capacity can connect via Findify-created connectors, depending on their platform. 

A Shopify connector is already up and running, meaning every Shopify merchant will be able to benefit fully from Active Sync – changes made to products will be pushed to the live site in real time. Connections to additional platforms, following their own necessary internal updates, are planned. 

For more information on Findify’s powerful ecommerce tool, which includes personalization software and solutions such as Personalized Search, Smart Collections, and Recommendations, book a demo here.

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