Improve customer
experience with
Smart Collections

Dynamic AI ranking of products within
categories to ensure personalized listings
for each shopper

88% of customers
expect a personalized shopping experience
– Don’t fall short with a static product display

So, what can you do with
Smart Collections?

​Personalized Product Ranking

Our Smart Collections solution harvests the intelligence of our unique and powerful machine learning algorithm to automatically rerank the products within collections based on the individual behavior of each shopper – showing them more of the products they are most likely to buy. This improves UX, raises customer satisfaction, and results in a higher store conversion rate.

Visual Merchandizing

Our Visual Merchandising suite complements the powerful workings of Artificial Intelligence by taking your desired merchandising strategies and tactics and fusing them with the personalization algorithm. You can easily highlight high margin products or pin brand collaborations, for example, or even boost/bury products with high/low stock levels. With this suite, you can easily create rules to tailor the experience to your specific needs. You have full control over 1, 2, or 500 products at a time.


Merchandising Suite

The Merchandising suite enables control for wide reach. A single rule can be applied for one collection… 50 collections… or even all collections at once, complementing the optimization for conversion with additional dimensions. Merchants can choose to set up ‘boost’ or ‘bury’ rules based on any property in the database, whether that be products of a high/low quantity, specific brands, individual tags, margin levels, or another chosen field.

Dynamic Filtering

This enables your customers to fine tune their search results to meet their personal preferences. Relevant and automated filters help shoppers more quickly and easily find what they’re looking for, whether it’s based on price, size, colors, or custom fields. Intuitive breadcrumb navigation allows them to stay oriented as they get deeper into their filtering selections.

Promo Cards

Promoting content directly within your product listings is a surefire way to boost brand engagement and increase your sales. This enables you to connect with your shoppers where it really matters – in the purchase cycle’s moment of truth. Our Promo Card feature enables you to feature whatever you desire directly within the product grid.

​Make the Most out of Your Collections!

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