Increase sales with

Maximize your store’s
upsell and cross-sell capabilities

Leverage the best Personalized Recommendations that help your business compete with ecommerce giants like Amazon

Experience 8-29% increased revenues

by integrating Findify


So, what can you do with

Increase Relevance

Based on individual shopper behavior, our algorithm digs deep into your inventory and brings the right products to the surface. Shoppers see more of the products they like – which results in a higher number of products sold. As such, you increase your store’s customer engagement rate, average order value, and total sales.

Automation to Save Time

Our Recommendations solution is uniquely fused with best-in-class automation – which saves valuable merchant time. The beauty of this automation is that it saves time no matter if the recommendation widget runs completely out of the box or if the merchant chooses to apply a set of tightly controlled dynamic filters to it. 


Dynamic Filtering for Control

Dynamic filters offer deep control without the need for exhaustive dragging and dropping. By applying rules that change with the product they are displayed next to, specific results have never been easier.

Let’s say, for example, you want a widget to appear on a product page and you want to show recommendations that are the same brand as the product being viewed, the same color as the product viewed, but in a different category. 

With Findify, you can set this up with only a few simple clicks and apply the widget to all product pages.

Fully Customizable Front End

At Findify, we recognize each merchant has their own unique style, feel, and brand guidelines. This is why we have created features that are fully customizable. This does, of course, include our Recommendations solution. The merchant retains full control over how the capability is presented on site – to use the default version, or to fully tailor colors, fonts, number of products shown… and every other front end aspect.

Flexibility of Placement

Our Recommendations widgets can be placed anywhere a merchant desires, whether that’s on the home page, a category page, a custom page, a product page, or on the cart page. 

​Make the Most out of Your Product Recommendations!

Leaders in ecommerce choose Findify
to improve their website experiences